Arrow Linen on Prospect Ave between Prospect Park West and 8th Ave has applied to NYC to rezone their property to allow for 13-story luxury towers to be built. This would be more than twice as tall as any other building in the area, and does not respect the scale of our neighborhood. There is no developer and no actual plan in place. Arrow Linen’s only goal is to sell its property to a developer for maximum profit and leave.
Arrow Linen has hired lobbyists and lawyers, and is using their money and influence to push for the approval of this inappropriate zoning change.
If Arrow Linen gets their way, then all of Windsor Terrace and South Slope are at risk of greedy developers buying properties and doing the same. There are 59 rent-stabilized apartments on the same block as Arrow Linen. If their proposed rezoning is approved as is, then those buildings are in jeopardy of being bought by speculators who will apply to rezone them, and displace the current residents in favor of building more luxury high-rises.
We are in favor of a compromise that allows for more, preferable affordable, housing to be built in a way that does not displace existing tenants and further inflate housing prices in the neighborhood.
We want affordable housing. We do not want high-priced high-rises. We are organizing Windsor Terrace and South Slope to fight for a solution that creates housing that works in our neighborhood. We have been meeting with our elected officials to share feedback from our neighbors and make our goals clear.
This is What 13 Stories Looks Like
These images are from Arrow Linen’s proposal and show the size of the proposed buildings:
This is What the Shadows of 13 Stories Looks Like
These images are from Arrow Linen’s proposal and show the shadows created by the proposed buildings:
From the Windsor Place 8-PPW Block Association
- Summary Slide Deck – Summary of the proposed rezoning and redevelopment
- Zoning 101 – Introduction to zoning issues in the context of the proposal
- Public Awareness Flyer – please print some out, carry them with you, and distribute freely!
From the City of New York
- Full environmental assessment statement from Arrow’s application
- Excerpt summarizing the filing
- Follow the application in the Zoning Application Portal
- 2005 comprehensive zoning of South Slope provides context for the current state of zoning in the neighborhood.
- Overview of zoning for residential areas (NYC City Planning) for context:
- Affordable Housing income limits (NYC HPD)
- Arrow’s rezoning filing includes a set-aside for units of the highest income level
- City of Yes for Housing Opportunity is an initiative of the Adams administration. It intends to use a comprehensive zoning update to create a little more housing in every neighborhood, which is an approach we prefer to a single developer’s or landowner’s spot rezoning to maximize their profits.