One-page summary of Housing Not High-Rises’ proposal for the Arrow Rezoning.

- Arrow Linen would like to upzone the project area from R5B to R7-1.
- At the time of Arrow’s ULURP certification (June 2024), existing R5B allowed up to 1.35 FAR and maximum 3-story building height.
- With City of Yes (December 2024), R5B (Transit Zone) now permits 2.0 FAR and maximum 5-story building height. R5B allows up to 159 dwelling units.
- Arrow Linen has therefore already received an as-of-right 48% zoning increase (1.35 FAR increased to 2.0 FAR) over the course of their ULURP from City of Yes, but there is no UAP program for R5B that would generate affordable housing.
- Arrow Linen is proposing an R7-1 District. At the time of certification, this allowed up to 4.60 FAR and maximum 13-story building height. Pursuant to their Land Use Application, Arrow Linen is proposing 244 units: 183 market-rate and 61 affordable (25% MIH units).
- Note: City of Yes increased R7-1 District to maximum 15-story building height and updated FAR requirements for the UAP program. Arrow Linen stated they are not amending their proposal, so we are not referencing these requirements as they relate to negotiations.
- Any outcome must change the zoning district as a 15-story building is unacceptable from the community’s perspective.
- The community is recommending two zoning options. Option #1 is a 7-story development with a 25% affordability requirement. Option #2 is a 9-story development with a 40% affordability requirement.
- Option #1: R6D
- R6D allows up to 3.00 FAR, up to 239 units, and maximum 7-story building height.
- With the 75%/25% split, this would allow up to 179 market-rate units, and up to 60 affordable units, which is commensurate with Arrow’s current proposal for affordable units.
- Option #2: R6A
- R6A allows up to 3.90 FAR, up to 310 units, and maximum 9-story building height.
- With the recommended 60%/40% split, this would allow up to 186 market-rate units, and up to 124 affordable units, which exceeds Arrow’s current proposal for affordable units.
- Option #1: R6D
- The community does not support an R7A Zoning District.
- R7A was alluded to by CM Hanif at the 1/15 Community Board 7 Meeting.
- The R7A Zoning District would allow up to 5.01 FAR which is more than the 4.60 FAR originally requested by Arrow Linen. R7A allows up to 11-story building height.
- Lastly: The community requests all non-applicant owned properties be removed from the rezoning limits to reduce site assemblage and tenant displacement risks. See below proposed Zoning Map Amendment: