Community Board Votes No!

On Wednesday Sept 18, 2024, the Full Board of Brooklyn Community Board 7 voted to approve 30-6 a motion to DISAPPROVE the application with the condition that: Arrow Linen retract their application and does further community engagement with Windsor Terrace residents on their proposal, to do more transparent meetings and consider the feedback and concerns, and resubmit their plan after several community planning and visioning meetings.

Read Brooklyn Community Board 7’s letter to NYC’s Department of City Planning

Council member Shahana Hanif was present at, and addressed the meeting.

Arrow Linen prepared a statement that was read at the meeting. They attempted to describe their years of lobbying city employees, elected officials, and members of the community board as community engagement. They attempted to deny that a non-profit partner had expressed interest in purchasing their property to build 100% affordable housing. Both of these attepmpts to lie to the community were exposed at the meeting.

Video of the Sept 18 meeting can be found on Brooklyn Community Board 7’s YouTube channel –

We extend our thanks to the Community Board and the community who attended. We understand that there are those with differing opinions, and they were heard and respected throughout the process. The voices of the community were heard and respected, and the board voted along with the wishes of the community, asserting that community engagement, missing in this land use application, is important and should be respected.

This was a great win for our community, and we thank you, our community, for your voices and your support to make this happen!

Next action: Borough President Reynoso is holding a public hearing on this rezoning on Wedneday October 9th at Borough Hall – please stay tuend for details!

Land Use Committe Votes No!

On Monday Sept 16, 2024, the Land Use Committee of Brooklyn Community Board 7 voted to approve 7-1 a motion to DISAPPROVE the application with the condition that: Arrow Linen retract their application and does further community engagement with Windsor Terrace residents on their proposal, to do more transparent meetings and consider the feedback and concerns, and resubmit their plan after several community planning and visioning meetings.

Both Council Member Shahana Hanif and Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso were present at, and addressed the meeting. Of all of the voices we heard, it was clear that Arrow Linen had declined to engage the community at any point in their land use application.

Video of the Sept 16 meeting can be found on Brooklyn Community Board 7’s YouTube channel –