The City Planning Commission (CPC) held a public hearing on the Arrow Linen rezoning on Wednesday, Nov 6. Our heartfelt thanks to our many supporters who came to the hearing and testified! The commissioners were engaged and asked great questions of the applicants and the folks who testified – 18 community members against the proposal, and 8, mostly from the Open New York lobbying group and not from the neighborhood in favor.
There is still time to send written testimony the CPC – we need everyone in our community to let them know where we stand! Please click the “Read more” link below for instructions.
Please read Brownstoner’s writeup of the hearing:
At the hearing, locals against the proposal said the number of luxury apartments included in the development and their likely high-income residents could push up prices in the area and that the rezoning of nearby houses created a displacement risk. They also said local infrastructure and resources can’t handle the development and that shade from the high-rises will shadow nearby senior housing and other properties, among other concerns.
They also accused Arrow Linen of lobbying local politicians with donations, of having undertaken no real community engagement, and said they didn’t trust the development team’s claims that they wouldn’t take advantage of City of Yes and build up to 19 stories.