72nd Precinct Build the Block Meeting

The 72nd Precinct’s Build The Block Meeting was held on Wednesday December 13th at Holy Name of Jesus Church on Prospect Park West.

Arrow Action spoke about our work and were covered by Brownstoner.

Many thanks to our Neighborhood Coordination Officers, Det. Daniel McGrath and Det. Francis Gainey for inviting us to speak!

November 14th Community Meeting

Arrow Action Community Meeting was held on Tuesday November 14 @ 7:00 pm at Holy Name of Jesus Church on Prospect Park West

State Assembly Member Robert Carroll addresses the community

Here are the slides from the evening’s presentation. 

Many thanks to the hundreds of community members who came to this event, and to Father Ryan and the Holy Name community for making this meeting possible!

October 19th Community Meeting

Arrow Action Community Meeting was held on Thursday October 19 @ 7:00 pm at the Knights of Columbus hall on 10th Ave

Many thanks to the nearly 100 community members who came to this event, and for the Knights of Columbus for making this meeting possible!


Last Week! Please Click to Email TODAY!

We are in the final 6 days of this fight. Council Member Hanif told us that the rezoning decision will be made by February 12.

She told us that she supports a building “less than 11 stories,” but that is not what we want. There will be 11 story luxury buildings on Prospect Avenue unless we act now.

The owners of Arrow Linen have no land costs, they’ve had a 25 year tax break and they’ve never supported Windsor Terrace. There is NO reason to give them an inch over 9 stories.

Council Member Hanif is up for reelection this June and her reelection hinges on her decision next week. Tell her that you will stand with her in June if she stands with us now.

We have 6 days. PLEASE CLICK HERE TODAY TO SEND ONE LAST EMAIL to ensure our voices are heard by Council Member Hanif and her allies in the City Council.  It takes 10 seconds and makes a huge difference!

We want 9 stories at 40% Affordable. Tell Council Member Hanif, don’t help the rich get richer. Stand up for your constituents!

We want to thank the more than 200 members of our community who came out last Sunday to rally for affordable, contextual housing at the Arrow Linen site. See pictures and news coverage below.

We appreciate your patience and support as we ask you to send yet another email so your voice can be heard. This is an important email that tells Shahana Hanif and the members of the City Council’s Land Use and Zoning committees where we stand!

What’s coming next?

  • In mid-February, Council Member Hanif will make the final decision and the City Council will vote. 
  • Register to vote in this year’s Democratic Primary: The City Council District 39 Primary is this June. If you want to influence the upcoming race for City Council, consider registering as a Democrat. If you are already registered with another party or as independent, you can temporarilty change your party affiliation for this election, and change it back after June. The deadline to change your registration is February 14, 2025. Please click here to register or change your registration.

Recent Press:

We can’t stress enough how important your voice is in this process.  Shahana Hanif and the City Council need to hear from everyone who cares about this rezoning.  This is our community, and we should get to decide!  Please click the email link above to email Shahana Hanif and the Council Members on the Land Use Committee.

Thank you for your continued support!

Email to Shahana Hanif and City Council

If you have trouble with our one-click email:

Please click the Copy to Clipboard button below to copy this email to your clipboard, and paste it into an email to: shanif@council.nyc.gov, CouncilLandUseAndBP@housingnothighrises.org with the subject: “We Will Support Shahana Hanif if She Supports Her Constituents – Vote 9 Stories and 40% Affordable for Arrow Linen!”.

shanif@council.nyc.gov, CouncilLandUseAndBP@housingnothighrises.org
We Will Support Shahana Hanif if She Supports Her Constituents - Vote 9 Stories and 40% Affordable for Arrow Linen!
Dear Council Member Hanif, Members of the City Council Subcommittees for Land Use, and Zoning and Franchises, and Borough President Reynoso:

Council Member Hanif - we will stand with you in June if you stand with us now as the Arrow Linen rezoning comes to a conclusion. Although we prefer a shorter 100% affordable building, we will stand with you if the rezoning is limited to 40% affordable at 9 stories - AND NO TALLER.

Not by community benefit agreement. Not by memorandum of understanding. But enforceable by zoning district.

The Maglicocco family have NO land costs. They have paid NO property taxes for 25 years. They are BAD neighbors and employers. They will make enough millions regardless. Don’t help the rich get richer. Instead, STAND WITH YOUR CONSTITUENTS!

If Arrow Linen balks, SIMPLY VOTE NO!

If you truly know the neighborhood, you know the danger to the community and those whose families can afford their rent today.

We will never forget the decision that you make in this matter. I hope that we can count on your leadership to support us today and that we can support you long into the future.
